All courses cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled training date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee.
All customer equipment that is to be used for training or practical testing must meet current legislated inspection requirements. The equipment must also comply with any applicable Occupational standards including the CSA Standards. Note*Practical training and testing will not continue should equipment be deemed unusable due to mechanical or safety reasons. Rescheduling will be necessary and further charges will be applied to cover the cost of travel and time spent on site.
If the training room is to be supplied by the customer it must be meant for human occupancy, clean and have sufficient seating for the expected size of the class. Where possible provide the necessary space to allow the Instructor to use audio visual equipment etc. Training facilities should also include washrooms and Hydro.
No Smoking will be permitted while the instructor is teaching the class or performing practical evaluations. Sufficient breaks will be provided to allow students enough time to smoke. Smoking is only in permitted in areas approved by your employer/facility and any applicable By-Laws.